A Living Parable

Almost 70 people gathered at Wydale Hall this week for a Mustard Seed Community day, clergy and community ministers from the five deaneries of Middlesbrough, Guisborough, Scarborough, Bridlington and Hull. As we spent time together we recognised that we are a living parable. Growth and fruitfulness in individuals, churches and communities being nurtured from small seeds sown through Stepping Up and Mustard Seed-like mission.

The day was full of conversations. In our opening worship, Ian McIntosh reminded us of the road to Emmaus journey in Luke 24, an invitation to be in conversation with each other and Jesus, who walks at our pace. There was a great buzz throughout the day as we shared stories, and explored the joys and challenges of Stepping Up in mission - clergy and community ministers partnering in mission in our local communities. 

The parable of the Mustard Seed continued to feed and shape us as we were invited to dwell with the parable and look out through 4 windows:

  • Pondering the smallest of seeds and the potential for growth.

  • How growth brings about change that can often be unsettling, maybe even disturbing.

  • That growth is about size and fruitfulness, mustard seed fruitfulness that transforms lives and communities.

  • Learning from the birds building their nests, gathering from our communities the skills and resources we have to build nests – safe spaces for people to feel at home and grow in faith.

Clergy had space to reflect on their experience of working with Mustard Seed.

  1. Deep joy in seeing people grow in their own faith and in confidence in mission.

  2. An invitation to Community Ministers to have honest conversations with their incumbents, who want to include you in leadership whilst also tailoring your leadership to your gifts and contexts.

  3. Recognising the challenges of stepping up into more public roles, and wanting to offer support and wisdom especially with regard to the new pastoral listening and care that a Community Minister role is likely to bring with it.

Community Ministers shared about their experience of Stepping Up in mission, the challenges of taking on new roles within their churches and communities. The importance of good, open honest communication, relationships of trust, and accountability with their vicars were the three key hopes for people as they continue to grow in mission.

We celebrated Mustard Seed growth in York Diocese, 83 people who have started Stepping Up, 49 people stepping up in mission, and churches growing on Sundays and midweek. We recognised that we are all learning as we pay attention to what God is doing, joining in with the mission of God in places where life is tough. We hope the rich conversations were a gift and that everyone was able to take away something to help them to keep learning and growing.

The beauty of Wydale was such a treat – thank you to all the staff! The gardens and views, with a delicious lunch were gifts to restore us in body and spirit, as we continue to share God’s love in communities across the edges of the Diocese of York.