Stepping Up into Mission

We are celebrating with the nine people from Hull and Middlesbrough who have completed their year with Stepping Up. Despite the interruptions due to Covid, they have faithfully journeyed together in their learning communities, praying, learning and growing together.


Everyone has grown in their own faith, learning to listen to God and themselves more deeply.  We have spent time out in our communities, learning to listen to people, and discover more about the local community, discovering where God is at work amidst the challenges of life.  Together we have grown in confidence in sharing faith, sharing our own faith stories and exploring different ways of helping people to experience God’s love and encounter Jesus.

It has been wonderful to watch everyone grow and discover how God is calling them to Step Up in mission. Each person will be serving within their local community, using their own particular gifts and skills, in some places renewing and developing existing mission activities, and for others embarking on a whole new adventure in mission.

All nine people will be prayed for and commissioned as a Community Minister within their parish early in 2022.  During the service they will be invited into the Mustard Seed mission community, gathering each term to continue to learn and grow together and to follow a rhythm of life.

As a Mustard Seed Community, we are committed to: Becoming more Christ-like, growing in prayer and discipleship. We will follow a rhythm of life, where we continue to learn and grow by


•         Listening – to God, to others and to ourselves,

•         Being with – a commitment to be with the people and the community where God has called us to serve,

•         Sharing Faith – joining in with God’s mission in our local communities, sharing God’s love in action, words and prayer.


We will be sharing stories over the coming weeks, so do follow us on social media and website to find out more about how churches are growing in mission.

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