Mustard Seed Chats

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Publicity & Online Presence

with Emma Barker and Lou Dover

A Mustard Seed Chat, exploring publicity and how to increase your online presence. With Emma Barker, Graphic Designer and owner of and Lou Dover, Communications Officer for the Diocese of York.


Emma’s Presentation

Lou’s Presentation

Here are some examples of eye-catching publicity that Emma Barker has developed with local churches:

Big Bible Storybook Toddler Group Resource

Mustard Seed has been working with Carolyn Edwards, Diocesan Advisor for Children and Young People, to support and develop mission with young families.

The Good News is that the Big Bible Storybook Resource has now been launched, with a whole year of ready-made sessions based on the bible stories. You can use the resource for a short 10 minute story and prayer section as part of a Toddler Group or a longer Toddler or Family Service with crafts and games.

We recognise that many grown-ups know little about the Christian faith and are unfamiliar with the Bible so here is an opportunity for mission with the whole family. If you work with slightly older children e.g. after- school worship or all-age worship there are also ideas for activities with school age children.

You can find the resources here York Diocese Children’s and Youth Resource Centre – Resources for Toddlers.